As a student in the workforce, you may be spending an average of $350/week on your living expenses and $200/week on your college expenses. While you can’t start saving that amount now, you can start doing your best to cut that spending and put a small amount in a safe, liquid investment account.

Here’s an investment plan that’ll help you invest more and spend less in your 20’s so that you have more money and less work to do in your 40’s.
What should you look to invest in?
Investments that offer dividends and capital appreciation should be the foundation of any investment plan for young investors.
This plan will allow you to earn a relatively high rate of return while still giving you the flexibility to trade frequently and take advantage of a wide variety of deals that are constantly being offered.
Seek help at the start
By now, people are familiar with robots and their services, but they still don’t know what they’re missing.
Many robots can come in the form of online platforms that offer investment portfolios with sophisticated tools for professionals and consumers alike.
These platforms can minimize a lot of the time-intensive tasks normally associated with managing an investment portfolio.
The best investment plan for young people
Your 20’s is the time when you can work full-time or part-time and put money into any number of worthwhile investments that will have a meaningful impact on your career and financial goals.
You can start investing in low-cost index funds to produce a more consistent income.
Anybody can follow this simple investment plan.
No matter how much money you have or how much time you have to devote to money.
While this is the most basic plan, it will not break the bank and will generate the income that most 20s people need.
Here are a few options you might want to consider for your investments.
1. Start with a Savings Account
Most people are familiar with the basic concept of savings. Your initial contribution is made, and then some amount is taken out at the end of every month.
At the end of a year, you may have accumulated up to $1K of savings, depending on your age.
Of course, saving is the first step, but it’s far from enough if you want to really gain any financial advantage in your 20’s.
Investments are what are going to get you financial advantages. And you can’t start investing until you have a considerable amount with yourself.
So first, start saving and then investing!
2. Investing in stocks
The most common choice among young investors is the stock market.
This is a risky business in the sense that no matter how smart you are, the stock market can be unpredictable.
Still, if you start early enough, the odds are in your favor.
It is better to have a small amount of money in a diversified stock portfolio that has several stocks that you’re invested in.
It may not seem lucrative, but if you invest $10,000 early in your 20’s, you will be a millionaire at age 40. If you invest $50,000, then you will be a millionaire at age 45.
3. Saving with a 401k
Another popular choice among young investors is to put money into a tax-advantaged retirement account such as a 401k.
As an individual over 18, you can contribute $18,500 to your 401k in 2017.
4. Investing in ETFs
ETF stands for Exchange Traded Fund. In ETF’s you purchase shares of funds in the form of individual stocks.
Unlike mutual funds, you don’t have to worry about “stratifying” your investments by mutual funds to buy the desired number of funds in your portfolio. You can buy just the stocks of the mutual funds you want.
5. Investing in Crypto

Investing in the next generation of crypto-assets that offer the same kind of consumer protections that a traditional asset class provides, for less of your money, can provide a steady stream of income or capital gains into the future.
Crypto is not just a new asset class, though. It’s a tech investment, and it holds the potential to disrupt many financial services and disrupt the old-world of cash transactions.
6. Investing in Mutual Funds
The vast majority of people begin their savings plans in their 20’s by purchasing mutual funds.
While individual stocks and bonds may still be your first choice, mutual funds are an essential part of any long-term investment strategy.
The above article provides an excellent start for young investors looking to start investing.
Start investing in stocks, funds, ETFs, mutual funds, and other investment options to grow your wealth and to achieve financial security.
If you save regularly and invest intelligently, you’ll end up with a secure future for yourself.